React RoutingNow that my photo sharing app is growing, I need to add more pages and implement routing.Mar 10, 2022Mar 10, 2022
Reverse a Linked List Hacker Rank Javascript SolutionMy solution iterates over the list and changes the next of each node to the previous node. The order is important because we put…Mar 4, 2022Mar 4, 2022
HackerRank Simple Text Editor JavaScriptFor this challenge, you are to write a function that when given an input you return a string. First, assign a const arr that separates the…Feb 24, 2022Feb 24, 2022
Big-O NotationBig-O notation is a way to measure the time and space complexity of an algorithm. Specifically, Big-O describes the worst-case scenario for…Feb 4, 2022Feb 4, 2022
Uploading Images with Rails API and ReactThis week I’ve continued work on this photo app. Since my last post I set up a redux store and a form that accepts text input for a caption…Jan 26, 2022Jan 26, 2022